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Italy is today the leading European country in the recycling of organic waste. The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), through the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) has provided new incentives for biomethane producers. The GSE, the body in charge of qualifying plants and verifying the existence of the requirements for accessing and maintaining the incentives, has published the Applicative Procedures detailing the recognition procedures.

Organised by the Consorzio Italiano Compostatori (Italian Composters’ Consortium), whose members include the main operators of organic waste recycling as well as the largest biomethane producers, the event sets out to discuss the present situation with MASE and GSE representatives, in light of the recent updates to the incentives procedures, and clarify the main doubts.

Check out the Agenda of the event here (in Italian).

The event will be livestreamed from CIC’s Facebook page

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