
ISINNOVA is an independent multidisciplinary research institute delivering strategic and innovative solutions to complex challenges. ISINNOVA supports communities, policymakers and industry in shaping research-based and collaborative paths to inspire well-informed transitions towards sustainable futures. ISINNOVA’s international and interdisciplinary think-tank team includes experienced researchers, skilled project managers, innovation experts and communication strategists. From the heart of Rome to the heart of Europe, ISINNOVA has taken part, both as a leader and as a partner, in over 100 research and innovation projects funded by the European Commission. The rich and solid international network built over the years is a major asset to the company’s global reach.

“ISINNOVA is determined to steer BIOMETHAVERSE towards meeting its full innovation potential in biomethane production. Biomethane is a cornerstone of the present and future energy system, and BIOMETHAVERSE will strongly contribute to shape it.”

Aeris Tecnologies Ambientales is a spin-off of the Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona uniting experts from the GENOCOV research group. AERIS’ primary aim is to help industries and public entities improve the quality of their emissions by designing and implementing state-of-the-art, environmental-friendly technologies. Main fields of interest are air deodorization, advanced water treatment and energy production and seizing from organic residues. The multidisciplinary team at AERIS includes 8 researchers from different scientific fields. Numerous tech projects were implemented in the past years, namely in WWTP and paper, chemical, tannery and food industries. Despite being a young company, AERIS is an experienced player in privately and publicly funded projects.

“Technology, nature and humanity working harmoniously will bring a clean, bright future for all.”

The company operates an innovative unit to produce electricity from the anaerobic digestion of agricultural, livestock & agro-industrial waste, with a 999kW generated power capacity in a 22 acres area in Kolchiko Lagadas. The company annually processes 80,000 tons of livestock & agro-industrial waste producing 8,400 MWh of electricity, and 75,000 tons of digested residue used as a soil improver. Biogas Lagada takes part in several energy research programs. In collaboration with research centres, universities, and private labs, the process to increase biomass’s energy efficiency is investigated, safeguarding the environmental footprint. Microalgae cultivation, cultivation of methanogenic microorganisms, production of hydrogen, and upgrading biogas to biomethane are top research activities.

BIOMETHAVERSE is an opportunity for Biogas Lagada SA to prove, through technological advances, the importance of biomethane for energy security and decarbonization in Greece.

Gruppo CAP is a 100% publicly funded company that manages the integrated water service in the metropolitan city of Milan and various other municipalities in the provinces of Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Varese and Como. According to the in-house providing model, CAP guarantees the principles of transparency, responsibility and participation. Thanks to its size and its assets, CAP is one of the leading ‘mono-utility’ companies in Italy, providing the integrated water service to over 2 million inhabitants. Every year, CAP supplies 220 million cubic metres of water through a 6500 km-long water network and about 700 wells. The sewage network is 6500 kilometres long with 40 treatment plants. Sustainable development - sensitive to territories and communities - process innovation and resilient management of resources are CAP’s founding pillars.

“In the constant pursuit of circularity in its activities, Gruppo Cap, as manager of the integrated water cycle, recognizes the central role of the Nexus Water-Waste-Energy and seeks, through the Biomethaverse project, new ways to exploit its positive synergies.”

The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH), founded in 2000, is a leading Research Centre in Greece and in the EU. Climate change, sustainable energy, artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, smart cities and circular economy are its primary fields of action. CERTH combines unique research facilities and qualified staff to transform scientific knowledge into innovative technological applications. In BIOMETHAVERSE, CERTH’s Institute CPERI (Chemical Process and Resources) pursues research activities in clean energy, climate and environment, sustainable industry and bioengineering. CPERI’s research develops and promotes modern technologies for low-carbon production, storage and capture of energy and novel solutions for natural resource management, pollution and environmental protection

“Scaling up the biomethane production can play a significant role in the achievement of the EU energy independence. Through our participation in the BIOMETHAVERSE project, we aim to demonstrate an innovative technology in order to tackle this challenge!”

DTU is an international elite technical university where education, science and innovation rest on excellent research. DTU strategically develops next-gen technologies able to improve the environmental impact and economic efficiency of Danish and EU organizations and industries. The Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain) is one of the largest university departments specializing in environmental and resource engineering in Europe. The Microbial Electrochemistry & Environmental Technology (MEET) research group at DTU Sustain is a multidisciplinary team generating novel insights, defining new frontiers of research and technology development, and chartering innovation pathways to translate mechanistic understanding of molecule-scale phenomena to systems-scale impacts.

“All our dreams of green methane fuel can come true if we pursue it through fundamental understanding and technical development of electromethanogenesis.”

The Italian Compost and Biogas Consortium (CIC) is an NPO promoting biowaste reduction and recycling, separate collection, recycling into quality organic soil fertilisers and into energy carriers, like biogas and biomethane. Among its 140 members, 90 are involved in biowaste recycling. CIC took part in the implementation of the national granting schemes for biomethane production and is part of the expert group updating standards for the certification of biomethane sustainability. CIC also holds the vice-presidency of the European Compost Network (ECN) and leads ISWA’s (International Solid Waste Association) working group on biological treatment.

“We are part of BIOMETHAVERSE because of our interest in triggering a transition towards sustainable biomethane for the Italian waste-recycling sector.”

Cortus aims to revolutionize the energy market with new green technologies able to transform fossil dependency into energy independence by replacing fossil fuels and chemicals with renewables. Cortus does so cost-effectively and for a global market by converting waste into renewable energy. Our groundbreaking approach to gasify biomass in a fully integrated process (WoodRoll®) is based on a combination of existing technologies and an innovative system. Our skilled team includes experts in engineering, process, operation, and project management, all on a mission to support transitions to renewable production, reduce climate impact and build a sustainable society.

“In BIOMETHAVERSE, Cortus adds knowledge about the production of syngas; thereby expanding the substrate and technology base for production of the raw gas which, in turn, will increase the impact of the project and the possibilities to implement the demonstrated technologies.”

The DBFZ was founded in 2008 with the aim to establish a research facility for all relevant bioenergy research fields and to bundle results from the entire diverse German research landscape in this field. The scientific mission of the DBFZ is to provide comprehensive scientific support for the efficient integration of biomass as a valuable resource for a sustainable energy supply through applied research. This includes technical, ecological, economic, social and energetic elements along the entire process chain. The development of new processes, experiences and concepts is accompanied and supported by the DBFZ in close cooperation with partners from industry and research.

“With its many years of experience in the field of applied research in anaerobic digestion and emission measurement at biogas plants, the DBFZ will make a significant contribution to the BIOMETHAVERSE project.”

Ellmann Engineering (EE) GmbH was founded in 2013 in Germany and has several years of experience in the planning and construction of state-of-the-art operational biogas plants in many European countries. Our approach employs up to date science adapted for ecological and economic considerations. We are specialized in the processing of high ammonium waste and closely cooperate with the DBZ Leipzig in the field of research. Our research work has resulted in two European patent applications and numerous innovations in the field of process control. For the past ten years, we have been conducting extensive research in the field of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis.

With the combination of many years of practical experience in the planning and construction of biogas plants and successful research work, we can make a valuable contribution to the success of the BIOMETHAVERSE project.”

The European Biogas Association (EBA) is the voice of renewable gas in Europe. Founded in February 2009, the association is committed to the active promotion of the deployment of sustainable biogas and biomethane production and use throughout the continent. The association counts today on a well-established network representing the whole biogas and biomethane value chain, amounting to almost 8,000 stakeholders. The EBA is and has been a key player in numerous Research and Development projects on biogas and biomethane and is committed to supporting innovation in the renewable energy sector to help shape carbon-neutral economy in Europe.

“The European Biogas Association is pleased to be part of this research and innovation project. Demonstrating and connecting innovative and sustainable technologies for biomethane production is key to accelerate the scale-up of biomethane in Europe.”

ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. It is a public body providing research, tech innovation and advanced services to enterprises, public administrations and citizens in the fields of energy, environment and sustainability. ENEA counts on qualified staff, advanced labs and access to top experimental facilities to perform projects, tests, assessments, analyses and training, particularly in product and process innovation for national economic development and competitiveness. ENEA supports the productive system, including public authorities, in the transition towards climate neutrality, circular economy and resource efficiency.

“Biomethaverse aims at increasing substantially the production of biomethane, which is a flexible fuel, with a fully developed storage and distribution infrastructure, that will play a key role for a quick decoupling of all economic sectors from fossil fuels.”

The Swedish Gas Association is the voice of energy gases in Sweden, covering biogas, natural gas, LPG & bio-LPG and hydrogen. Our mission is to create the conditions for a growing gas market and increased share of renewable gases, promoting fossil-free competitiveness in a process where safety, technical matters, marketing and advocacy are key elements. We are a member-funded industry trade association with about 150 members representing the whole gas sector: from technology providers and producers to suppliers, grid operators and gas users. Our vision is that all energy gases used in Sweden will be completely fossil free by 2045 - at the latest - and that the potential for producing safe, environmentally friendly and efficient renewable gas will be realized.

“With our broad network of stakeholders and expertise in policy and gas market we will help facilitate market uptake and replicability of the innovative biomethane production pathways demonstrated in the BIOMETHAVERSE project.”

Founded in 1743, the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) retains a strong sense of tradition while delivering the minds and ideas of tomorrow. ‘Moving Knowledge’ describes our culture of intensive networking across a broad range of disciplines for innovative research and teaching, from a regional and international perspective. The Chair of Energy Process Engineering currently works in the heart of Nuremberg and it is part of FAU’s Department of Chemical and Bioengineering. Our main research and teaching focus in on the efficient use of conventional and renewable energies through thermochemical and biological processes like combustion and thermal gasification, second generation fuel & fuel cells and energy systems and energy economy.

“Applying microbial electrochemical technologies and computational simulation to find the best path of improving biomethane production in Europe”

Within ENGIE Research & Innovation, ENGIE Lab CRIGEN is the corporate R&D center of the Group, dedicated to new energy sources (hydrogen, biogas and LNG), novel energy uses in cities, buildings and industry of tomorrow, and emerging technologies (computer sciences and AI, robots and drones, nanotechnologies and sensors). CRIGEN conducts operational R&D projects and develops pilots for the Business Units, corporate entities of ENGIE and external customers, in an effort to master tomorrow’s technologies, bring them to maturity, and prepare to power the Energy Transition. CRIGEN is determined to create value through innovative low-carbon solutions for ENGIE’s customers and innovative solutions to improve operational excellence of industrial assets.

“By coupling cutting-edge research in electromethanogenesis with our industrial expertise, BIOMETHAVERSE is a project that showcases our dedication to sustainable innovation as well as our positioning in the development of advanced solutions for biomethane production.”

Founded in 1906, Leitat is one of the European reference entities for technology management. With over 500 professionals, experts in applied research, technical services and management of tech and innovation initiatives, Leitat provides social, industrial, economic and sustainable value, offering comprehensive solutions in multiple areas: development of new materials, eco-sustainable production, occupational health prevention systems, revaluation of waste and use of natural resources, interconnectivity and digitization of industry, green energy and maximization of energy efficiency. Leitat is recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Industry & Competitiveness and is one of the main actors in the EU Horizon2020 program.

“Excited to see how bioelectrochemically improved anaerobic digestion is making its way through the biomethane universe!”

RISE is the Swedish research institute and innovation partner for every part of society. RISE is an independent, state-owned, research institute that offers unique expertise and about 130 testbeds and demonstration environments for future-proof technologies, products and services.Through international collaboration with industry, academia and the public sector, we contribute to buliding a competitive business community and a sustainable society. Our 3,000 employees drive and support all types of innovation processes. RISE conducts cutting edge research projects in a wide range of scientific fields – with the aim to improve and drive progress within technology, science and sustainability.

“Through BIOMETHAVERSE, RISE has the opportunity to push several years of research and development in biological methanation several steps further, into a pilot scale demonstrator, to show how to produce biomethane without using conventional upgrading technology.”

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) is a state scientific-technological university training engineers, architects and industrial designers. POLIMI is one of the leading Italian research centres with first-class research infrastructures. Its Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) unites professors and researchers by promoting an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. The biotechnology research group aims at developing and optimizing innovative biological processes to be applied to bioremediation and resource recovery from urban and agro-industrial waste and wastewaters. Anaerobic digestion remains a long-term core research topic, approached via targeting process modelling, control, intensification, and integration.

We boost biomethane production by a combination of complementary strategies to optimize microbes performances and efficiency, leading to optimal biomethane production within WWTPs

MHP Eco Energy has been implementing and managing energy projects since 2012. The company is the operator for the sale of electricity to the enterprises of MHP group and the use of renewable energy sources is one of the priority tasks. MHP Eco Energy's biogas projects offer a significant contribution to the company's energy independence and environmental responsibility. The implementation of biogas projects allows MHP Eco Energy to effectively dispose of production waste, generate clean green energy, significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and produce environmentally friendly organic fertilizers, towards a sustainable development which reduces negative impacts on climate change.

“With many years of experience in the operation of the biogas complex that transforms organic agricultural waste into green energy according to the highest global environmental standards, MHP Eco Energy will contribute to the best achievement of the goals of the BIOMETHAVERSE project.”

The Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO) is a non-profit civic union of leading Ukrainian bioenergy companies in support of a sustainable bioenergy national market via cooperation with businesses, bioenergy experts, public bodies, international organizations, higher education departments and scientific institutes. UABIO takes part in the development of legislation, state and industry standards and energy strategies on national bioenergy growth. Several successful projects were implemented in cooperation with well-established actors such as the EBRD, UNDP and USAID. UABIO is a member the World Bioenergy Association, Bioenergy Europe, European Biogas Association and Global 100RE Ukraine.

“We are greening energy!”

SIAD (Società Italiana Acetilene e Derivati) has been a leading driver of Italy’s economic development and a global player in industrial excellence. Through its subsidiaries SIAD Macchine Impianti, Tecno Project Industriale and ESA, SIAD designs and implements systems for air separation, conversion of biogas into biomethane, carbon dioxide purification plants, process gas compressors and industrial combustion plants. On SIAD’s agenda is also the creation of an integrated platform on biomethane. In its applied research hub at the Osio Sopra plant, the largest national industrial gas complex, SIAD operates with its 30 years of experience in wastewater treatment and contaminated site remediation.

“Entering a new gas application Era – The gases of life – Mastering Sustainability”

Wärtsilä Gas Solutions is a market leader in innovative systems and lifecycle solutions for the gas value chain. Our main focus areas are handling of gas in seaborne transport (storage, fuel, transfer and BOG management), gas to power, liquefaction and biogas solutions. We help our customers on the journey towards a sustainable future through focus on lifecycle, innovation and digitalisation. Wärtsilä is a global leader in innovative technologies and lifecycle solutions for the marine and energy markets. We emphasise innovation in sustainable technology and services. Our dedicated and passionate team of 17,500 professionals in more than 240 locations in 79 countries shape the decarbonisation transformation of industry across the globe.

“Wärtsilä adds core competence to the gas quality demand in the market for commercialisation and further skills to the pilot plant design and operation.”