As a side event of the project’s General Assembly, BIOMETHAVERSE hosted a workshop aimed at showcasing and deliberating on the cutting-edge technologies set to be trialed within the project.

The event, organised by the CIC (Consorzio Italiano Compostatori), in collaboration with other Italian project partners – CAP Holding Group, ENEAISINNOVAPolitecnico di Milano, and SIAD – took place in Milan on 1 December 2023.

The Workshop was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of BIOMETHAVERSE’s innovative production pathways, placing the project’s technological advancements within the current European biomethane production and regulatory landscape. The debate and exchange of ideas on the topic was highly engaging, with over 50 attendees between biogas/biomethane experts, stakeholders and project partners.

This gathering not only highlighted the project’s strides in biomethane innovation but also underscored the growing significance of sustainable energy solutions in Europe.

The presentations of the sessions are available below.

The BIOMETHAVERSE project –  Stefano Proietti (ISINNOVA)

Presentation of the 1st Biomethane Investment Outlook – Gabriella Papa (EBA)

BIOMETHAVERSE Pilot site in France – Gaspard Bouteau (ENGIE)

BIOMETHAVERSE  Pilot site in Greece – Dimitris Kourkoumpas (CERTH)

BIOMETHAVERSE Pilot site in Italy – Tomaso Amati (CAP)

BIOMETHAVERSE Pilot site in Sweden – Karin Berg (RISE)

BIOMETHAVERSE Pilot site in Ukraine – Oleksandr Dombrovskiy (MHP)

Sustainability as a prerequisite for biomethane incentivisation: current rules and possible changes under the RED III  – Marco Buffi  & Olivier Hurtig (JRC)

Standard for measuring Biomethane Potential and the Residual Biogas Production – Mariangela Soldano (CRPA),  Elena Ficara & Francesca Malpei (POLIMI)