As part of BIOMETHAVERSE, the European Biogas Association (EBA), in collaboration with the Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP), has launched a pivotal survey titled Substitution of Natural Gas with Biomethane aimed at understanding the potential challenges and incentives associated with the transition from natural gas to biomethane across various sectors.

The EBA and BIP emphasize the importance of this research as Europe moves towards more sustainable energy sources. The findings from this questionnaire will directly contribute to the development of BIOMETHAVERSE’s Deliverable 4.1, a report focused on creating a scenario and vision for biomethane’s market penetration in Europe.

Professionals participating in the survey can offer critical insights on the role of biogases, especially biomethane, in the decarbonization of their specific sectors and organizations. Participants’ confidentiality is ensured via the provision of an option at the survey’s end to either anonymize responses or attribute specific findings to their respective organizations.

The survey, which takes an estimated 10 minutes to complete, is expected to shape strategies for the broader adoption of biomethane, positioning it as a key player in Europe’s push for a carbon-neutral future.

Interested parties are encouraged to contribute their expertise to this essential research. The feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of energy consumption and sustainability initiatives across Europe.

Click here to take part in the Substitution of Natural Gas with Biomethane survey.