WP5 – Dissemination, Exploitation & Communication

As an over-arching work package, WP5 is fed by all technical tasks of the project to power BIOETHAVERSE’s communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. As such, WP5 concentrates on: promoting the project activities and results to multiple audiences (stakeholders, media, citizens, etc.); disseminating knowledge and results, according to the principles of open science, amongst industry, policy makers, scientists, etc., to favour replicability, market penetration and to inform policy decisions; effectively exploiting project results during and beyond the project lifetime; showcase project results at dedicated events all around Europe.
A significant effort of this work package is also that of t
ransferring the results of the project to countries outside the project by organising dedicated workshops to pave the way for possible replication. For the duration of the project, WP5 will lead the collaboration in joint activities with the cluster of ‘buddy’ projects funded under topic HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-03-16 (101084297 SEMPRE-BIO, 101084148 HYFUELUP, 101084288 METHAREN).


Deliverable (Number)

Deliverable name

Short name of lead participant  Delivery date Dissemination Level
D5.1 Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication Plan ISINNOVA January 2023 PUB
D5.2 Project Website ISINNOVA February 2023 PUB
D5.3 Project leaflet, Poster, and Roll-up EBA February 2023 PUB

Nine E-newsletters
D5.4_1 -Multi-language version Issue #1

D5.4_2 -Multi-language version Issue #2

D5.4_3 -Multi-language version Issue #3

ISINNOVA March 2023 – March 2027 PUB

Videos and Press-Releases
D5.5_PR1 – Presse Release #1

EBA May 2023 – February 2027 PUB
D5.6 Scientific Publications ENEA March 2025 – February 2027 PUB
D5.7 Exploitation Roadmap ISINNOVA January 2027 PUB
D5.8 Final Booklet EBA January 2027 PUB
D5.9 Final Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication ISINNOVA March 2027 PUB