Research on catalyst properties to conduct first-stage experiments

The technology of the Greek demo pilots is primarily based on a catalytic methanation reaction that takes place at high temperature and pressure. Currently, the specific properties of the catalyst to be procured are thoroughly examined and identified while an extensive market research on catalysts available is being conducted. After the provision of the most suitable catalyst, we will be ready to conduct some first stage experiments to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the reaction. Testing procedure is extremely crucial to achieve the most attractive configuration for the methanation section taking into consideration several factors, including but not limited to catalyst type, process temperature and pressure.

Process flowcharts under design

Τhe first process flowcharts are currently designed. The overall biomethane production process is divided into three phases: 1) cleaning and compressing of biogas produced in BLAG plant to be inserted into the pilot unit, 2) thermocatalytic methanation that converts the CO2 contained in the biogas to biomethane through its reaction with renewable H2 and 3) dehumidification of the final biomethane stream. Furthermore, preliminary studies regarding provision of renewable H2 are in place in order to identify the basic dimensioning and placement of the storage tank and piping system. A market research is also in progress to ensure the suitability of hydrogen providers concerning their adherence to the sustainability factor as well as the legislative framework describing the safe conditions of transportation and storage.